Unwoman Fugue Fugue 歌詞


Unwoman Casualties專輯

13.Fugue Fugue

With an empty heart and all my hope wrapped tight around me
Fled into lonely night, I'm still here you never found me
Running past fantasies (in anonymity) of your Utopian daylight
Pretend I'm someone else (one of many) memories don't seem to
fit right

Those bells I thought would never toll for me
When they did, hollow the sound, hollow the meaning

But recall all the time (now far behind me) spent in a warm
And why I exited (please don't remind me) knowing it couldn't be
Love, once I thought you were (it's so easy to fall) the cure
for everything that ailed me
After I tried so hard (or did I try at all) was it that you
simply failed me?

Those bells I thought would never toll for me
When they did, hollow the sound, hollow the meaning

Love, when I care to look I see you as smoke and mirrors
Naked, I face myself when your illusion disappears